Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 1 will end on March 8, 2024 at 2AM ET, at which time Fortnite servers will go down for a simple seasonal update and then Season 2 will launch.
To kick off the season, a GIANT Titan hand has emerged from the earth within the game holding a huge, chained Pandora's box. Players have been tasked with shooting its chains to chip down its trillions of health. It's a community effort that will unlock a new step for Fornite's NEW Greek Mythology season.
As of yesterday, about 60% of the health bar has been chipped through. Players are unsure of what awaits when Pandora's box is opened.
As we talk about on the podcast, the giants were the offspring of the fallen angels. We're told in Genesis 6 that when mankind began to multiple on earth and daughters were born unto them, the "sons of God" saw that the daughters of men were beautiful and they married all of which they chose. "There were giants on the earth in those days, when the sons of God came to the daughters of men and bore children with them. They became the mighty men of old, men of renown." Genesis 6:4
These giants brought wickedness and their fallen angel fathers brought corrupt knowledge to humanity. They taught mankind how to mix plants into potions (drug usage), enchantments, accessing the spiritual realm and conjuring spirits, astrology, chemistry/alchemy (how to use metals for weaponry), etc. All things that are considered today: witchcraft.
We're told that wickedness filled the earth and that every thought of mankind was only evil all the time - and therefore God brought a flood to wipe this corruption from the face of the earth.
It's believed that AFTER the flood, this history was revived in numerous civilizations and went on to form all of the ancient mythology accounts. GREEK mythology, for example, of the "gods" and the demi-gods is exactly the same story. But in REALITY, the "gods" were actually fallen angels who descended to earth - possibly were even thrown out of heaven for trying to usurp God Almighty - and because they couldn't overthrow God, they elevated themselves as "gods" on earth instead.
In the Sumerian accounts, they initially treated mankind as their slaves, but they eventually took pity on mankind and decided to "enlighten" them with knowledge. This knowledge advanced mankind in the pre-flood world to such a degree, that archaeologists STILL find ancient artifacts and structures (like the Great pyramid) a mystery.
It also spurred stories of the mythological city of Atlantis. Plato once wrote that Atlantis was a democracy that worked in harmony with the ancient gods. It was prosperous and technologically advanced as long as they were worshipping these gods. Over time, the Atlanteans forgot the gods and they forgot how they had achieved such greatness. Therefore the gods "abandoned" Atlantis and it was ultimately swallowed up by the sea.
But the TRUTH is, that co-mingling with the fallen angels and the spreading of their corrupt knowledge is what caused the flood - which swallowed up the entire earth, not just one civilization.
It's widely believed that evidence of the giants exists around the globe. There are megalithic stone structures (known as Cyclopean Masonry) which are formed like puzzle pieces without mortar to glue them together. These structures can't be replicated OR reconstructed by any technology that we have, even today.
There are also megalithic tombs found throughout Europe, primarily in Ireland - which were believed to be ancient burial mounds for these giants. The Celts believed that they were the tombs of their ancient giant "gods", the Tuatha de Danann.
In Matthew 24:37 Christ said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be with the coming of the Son of Man." We know that the giants were on the earth during the days of Noah, as were the fallen angels.
As we've been studying on the podcast, numerous ancient pagan civilizations - along with the Book of Enoch AND the Bible - all predict that during the end days, the "gods" will return to earth. In the Book of Daniel, we're told, "they shall mingle themselves among the seed of men, but they shall not cleave to one another." (Daniel 2:43) Meaning that they won't marry like they did during the days of Noah.
Even in Isaiah 13, we're told that when the "day of the Lord" comes (when Christ returns) the giants may also return. "The giants are coming to fulfill my wrath." (Isaiah 13:3)
So I just found it fascinating how ALL signs are pointing to us entering the end days.
It's the year of the DRAGON on the Chinese calendar. The dragon symbolism is found a LOT in the Book of Revelation which prophesies of the end days.
Scientists recently unveiled a 240-million-year-old 'Chinese dragon' fossil.
King Charles has a lifelong connection to the symbolism of a dragon. The flag of Wales IS a red dragon. And one of the first coins featuring his face in Great Britain is the 2024 Lunar Coin that announced the year of the dragon on the backside.
There's been a major increase in UFO activity (in the mainstream media) over the last year. From the UFOs that were shot down by the U.S. Military last spring, to the whistleblowers coming forward in the summer claiming that the U.S. Military was in possession of alien bodies. There were also alien bodies presented to the Mexican Congress last September. Not to mention the Miami Mall situation that happened in January of this year. It is widely speculated that aliens are connected, in some way, to the fallen angels. What better way to deceive mankind than aliens appearing and, once again, claiming that they are our creators, offering advanced technology, and elevating themselves as our gods... just like the fallen angels did in the days of Noah.
There have also been MANY prophesies of something major coming in the year 2025. Governmental agencies have forewarned and prophesied of a potential global alliance that could form in the year 2025. (New World Order)
Apophis - an asteroid currently being monitored by NASA - is believed to strike earth in April of 2029. It's been widely speculated to share a connection with the asteroid "Wormwood" prophesied in the Book of Revelation. Wormwood strikes the earth halfway through the 7 year period. So IF Wormwood shares a connection with Apophis... and we back up 3.5 years from the date prophesied by NASA, the beginning of the 7 year period would be the year 2025.
I could go on and on with examples of how we may be gearing up to enter the final days. My podcast expounds on all of these and more. But Fortnite is playing right into the exact same narrative. I don't believe that it's a coincidence that the most widely accepted version of this story of the "gods" (Greek Mythology) is about to play out on one of the largest gaming platforms, with over 400 million registered Fortnite players. This seems like predictive programming at the very least.
Not to mention that Pandora's box is widely known as something that brings great misfortune and evil to earth. According to Greek Mythology, in the beginning - the earth was completely free of evil and misery. The land was - exactly as it was described in the Bible: a land flowing with milk and honey. Prometheus made man from clay and modeled him after the gods, which angered Zeus - the king of the gods. Zeus decided to exact revenge by creating Pandora - the first woman. And before he left Pandora, he gave her a vessel and told her to never open it. Clearly she does, and from it came all sorts of sorrow, disease, violence, greed, madness, and death - which plagued mankind forever. Little did Zeus know that Prometheus had secretly added HOPE to Pandora's box. So when evil was released onto the world, hope remained to help people survive it.
It sounds eerily similar to what happened in the Garden of Eden. When Adam and Eve were deceived by the serpent into eating from the forbidden tree, these same curses plagued the human race. In the story of the Bible, God, also, already had a backup plan in place to redeem mankind.
If you're interested in learning more about this history of the fallen angels and how it plays into Bible Prophecy, you can find me on all podcasting platforms or visit my website: