You may or may not have noticed a theme in the last couple of episodes. We ended episode 10 (regarding bloodlines of the Nephilim) in France, with the Merovingian dynasty. The very dynasty that most modern royalty can trace their bloodlines back to. It's also no coincidence that the French Revolution, which we discussed last episode, brought the ancient secret knowledge from the fallen angels out of the shadows and into the public domain. Today, we're going to revisit France again, to expound on the Priory of Sion. We concluded episode 10 by introducing the Priory of Sion as a sacred order dedicated to the Merovingian agenda. If you remember, the suspected main objective of the Priory of Sion was to advocate for the reunification of the ancient Roman Empire... with the fallen angel Merovingian bloodline as Emperor.
E12. Secret Societies
Updated: Jul 18, 2023
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