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Connecting Conspiracy to Biblical History

Updated: Jun 29, 2023

I've always had a fascination with conspiracy theories. I'm a puzzle lover, and the "unexplained" is a puzzle waiting to be solved. I'm also a bible studier. I love biblical history! In fact, at one point in my younger years, I dreamt of being a biblical archaeologist and digging up artifacts that proved the bible to be true.

Almost 15 years ago, I was introduced to the Book of Enoch and my mind was blown. It was truly the missing puzzle piece of scripture that allowed me to see the much larger story. And I quickly began to notice a pattern emerge between conspiracies and Biblical history.

The truth is... that they are one and the same.

Conspiracies are simply an extension of the biblical narrative. It's the secretive, dark, esoteric version of the SAME history that was passed down in scripture. Just the flip side of the coin.

The enmity that began in the Garden of Eden between the seed of man and the "seed of the serpent" (Genesis 3:15) grew to such vastness that God was forced to wipe it from the face of the earth by a flood.


According to the Book of Enoch, fallen angels descended to earth and mated with earthly women, creating hybrid offspring and corrupting the DNA of every living thing on earth. (Genesis 6, Jude 1:6)

They also taught mankind a corrupt version of heavenly knowledge (advanced technology) and elevated themselves as gods on earth.


The Freemasons claim that this knowledge was preserved on pillars of stone that survived the flood, which was then brought to Nimrod within 100 years after the flood. They actually list Nimrod as the very first Mason.

The knowledge that Nimrod obtained was then used to construct the tower of Babel, in which he attempted to breach heaven itself and usurp God Almighty. He also revived the worship of the fallen angels from the pre-flood world. This is the origins of ancient idol worship.

Since he couldn't overthrow God, he elevated himself as god on earth. And after the languages were confused and the people were dispersed across the globe, Nimrod became known under different names in the different civilizations.


After his death, his wife became pregnant and claimed that the spirit of Nimrod impregnated her. Therefore, her child was not only the "son of God", but he was also god in the flesh (the physical reincarnation of Nimrod).

A counterfeit version of the story of Christ. A false Christ.

As the children of God grew in number, this pagan history and occult knowledge was ultimately driven underground and hidden away among small groups of people.

They became secret societies who continued to worship the pagan entities that once called themselves our gods, and they continued to study the fallen angel knowledge and practice occult rituals.

What was once considered the occult practices of alchemy and sorcery, eventually became science. In fact, one of the most popular secret societies of the 17th century, the Rosicrucians, claimed to be the last of the sorcerers and the first of the scientists.

The Rosicrucians called Hermes the patron saint of alchemists, and they promoted Egypt as the cradle of Rosicrucian wisdom. (Osiris was the Egyptian name given to Nimrod.)


The Rosicrucian's went on to develop a secret language where outwardly it appeared that they were Christian, but inwardly they assigned a different meaning to things like "God" and "salvation". An entirely different occult belief system, known only to them in their secret groups.

It's no wonder why many believe that our founding fathers were Christian, even though all of America's symbolism is clearly pagan.

The evil that remained hidden in the shadows for millennia, began quietly infiltrating our largest religions (Kabbalism/Jesuits), our governments (Illuminati), our financial institutions... and elevating themselves into positions of power in matters of war, politics, energy, education, media, technology, and our food industry. All of which are now working in sync with one another and operating under the same Satanic agenda.

We have reached a point in history where these global superpowers have positioned themselves to literally rule the world and usher in the beast system.

Scripture says that once they reach the height of their power, a "king" shall arise. (Daniel 8:23)

In the same way that Christ has long been prophesied to one day return and rule earth once again... the son of the pagan god, has also long been prophesied to one day return and "save the world". But he offers a false peace because he is a false Messiah. The Anti-christ.

PS. The bronze statue depicted above was commissioned by the President of Central Brazil in honor of then Prince Charles who played an instrumental role in a landmark "earth summit" in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. This summit went on to birth the climate change movement.

The statue supposedly depicts Prince Charles "saving the world" from global warming. On the base of the figurine is inscribed the phrase, "Savior of the World." Yikes.

For more information on this, take a listen to episode 26 of the podcast: Exposing the Antichrist.

It just goes to show that in order to understand prophesy, you must first understand history. They are one and the same. There is no new thing under the sun. That which has been, is that which shall be again. (Ecclesiastes 1:9)

**This has been a sample of the type of content you will find in my podcast. If you're interested in gaining access to my notes for each episode including more images, video, audio, and reference links, consider becoming a member.



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